Spatial Justice Test for Race and Income


Bernie Sanders 2016 Campaign Events (November 2015)

Bay Area Bike Stations (November 2016 - source:

Gas and Oil Wells -- This uses a sample of 1000 of the 1.37 million gas and oil wells in the US that are in the Fractracker data set (Feb 2017 - source:

Philadelphia Examples

Indego Bike Share Stations (November 2016). data

Bike Racks (November 2016). data

Fire Stations (November 2016). data

Police Stations (November 2016). data

Shooting Victims (November 2016). data

Correctional Facilities (November 2016). data

Farmers Markets (November 2016). data

Rain Barrels (November 2016). data

Email us if you have an example that we can add!